
Governing bodies & workstreams

Steering Group

The Steering Group is FinDatEx’s decision-making body and is composed of all its EU member associations. Among other issues related to the running of the platform, it decides on the work programme (including new templates and revisions) and endorses the final templates for publication. It also nominates the chairs and members of the technical working groups to ensure that stakeholders are properly represented in the technical work.

The Steering Group is currently chaired by Tanguy van de Werve of EFAMA, which also provides its secretariat. All general enquiries should be sent to [email protected].

MiFID Technical Working Group

The MiFID (Market in Financial Instruments) Technical Working Group manages the European MiFID Template (EMT) and European Feedback Template (EFT). The EMT compromises data fields relating to the MiFID cost and charges requirements, as well as target market information. The EFT provides standardised feedback data from distributors to product manufacturers.

The group is currently chaired by Joakim Alpius (Handelsbanken) and Ghislain Périssé (Fidelity International). The secretariat is provided by the EBF. Enquiries relating to the EMT and/or EFT should be sent to [email protected].

ESG Technical Working Group

The ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) Technical Working Group focuses on the European ESG Template (EET), which is a cross-sectoral template containing a high number of data fields focusing on the implementation of the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation, as well as the delegated acts complementing MiFID II and the Insurance Distribution Directive relating to clients’ sustainability preferences.

The group is currently chaired by Joakim Alpius (Handelsbanken), Nathalie Dogniez (formerly PwC Luxembourg), Ghislain Périssé (Fidelity International), and Michael Pilous (German Insurance Association, GDV). The secretariat is provided by the EAPB. Enquiries relating to the EET should be sent to [email protected].

PRIIPs Technical Working Group

The PRIIPs (Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products) Technical Working Group focuses on data requirements to be shared between product manufacturers and insurance companies when the latter are producing multi-option product (MOP) PRIIPs. The TWG oversees the European PRIIPs Template (EPT) and

Comfort European PRIIPs Template (CEPT).

The group is currently chaired by Katja Krol (German Insurance Association, GDV) and Pierre Maugery-Pons (EFESO Consulting and Club Ampère). The secretariat is provided by the ESBG. Enquiries relating to the EPT and/or CEPT should be sent to [email protected].

Solvency II Technical Working Group

The Solvency II Technical Working Group focuses on insurers' data requirements from fund managers in relation to Solvency II. It looks after the Tri-Party Template (TPT).

The Group is currently chaired by Pierre Maugery-Pons (EFESO Consulting and Club Ampère). The secretariat is provided by Insurance Europe. Enquiries relating to the TPT should be sent to [email protected].

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